Volume 42, Issue 2
Read this issueProduced in the last weeks of 2020 amid a global pandemic, global environmental catastrophes, social separation, social activism, and economic political uncertainties, this volume speaks to the tensions and provocations of feminist collective activism, gender-based violence, immigration justice, and reproduction. Together the essays highlight the crucial importance of feminist analysis to understand and influence theory, policy, and social change. “Return to normal” has become the Covid-19 catchphrase and siren call, yet we know the damage and violence produced under normalcy and in 2020 have made it even more visible that “normal” is based on and steeped in deep-rooted systemic racism and inequities. We encourage reading across the volume for expansive ways to refuse a “return to normal” as we again face necessities of resistance and possibilities for change across theory, knowledge, education, research, coalition, discourse, land, economies, activism, community, policy, pedagogy, and practice.