Volume 41 Issue 2
Read this issueThis issue includes individual papers with two curated conversations: a round-table, “Staging Feminist Futures,” and a colloquium, “Sowing the Seeds: Decolonial Practices and Pedagogies.” Editing this issue as 2019 nears the close of a decade, we are struck by the persistent theme that runs across this issue: remembering, theorizing, developing, and transforming pedagogies and praxis for past, present, futures. Many readers, like ourselves, may recall when the idea of the year 2020 conjured up images of flying cars and robotized homes, and while we have moved toward “smart” technologies, globally we face environmental devastation and continued questions of human rights. Specifically, the articles and curated conversations take up topics of abuse, transformative justice, reproductive access, bodily rights and autonomy, decolonial activism, healing, voice, memory, complex representations, pedagogy, and praxis. Readers will also find authors forefronting the need to recognize ongoing legacies of colonialism (and ensuing coloniality of gender, heterosexualism, racism, and ableism) and calls to theorize and do praxis with a feminist approach toward decolonial thinking. In these essays, decolonial is employed to release memory/bodies/spirits/lands/pedagogies/knowledges from colonial state control. We encourage reading with this context in mind.