Volume 38, Number 3
Read this issueAs we prepared Frontiers issue 38.3, we realized that we had reached an important milestone in the journal’s history at the Ohio State University (OSU); 38.3 is the last issue that our editorial team produced before the journal transitions to its new institutional home, the University of Utah. Much had happened since we first took over the journal in 2012. Judy Tzu-Chun Wu left OSU to take a position at the University of California, Irvine; Mytheli Sreenivas joined our editorial collective two years ago; and Krista Benson became the sixth and final editorial assistant to work with Frontiers during its tenure at OSU. These were but a few of the changes we experienced during the past five years. We are proud to say though that throughout these shifts in editorial staffing we still maintained a strong and focused intellectual vision for the journal, making sure that Frontiers continued with its long-standing reputation as one of the premier journals in the field of women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. We feel that with issue 38.3 we are going out with a bang, so to speak, as the feminist intellectual and creative work we are featuring here speaks volumes about feminism’s commitment to the critique of neoliberalism, the careful deconstruction of cultural representation, and the insistent attention to race.