The Editorial Collective for Frontiers is currently inviting submissions in all areas of women’s, feminist, and gender studies. In particular, we seek to publish work that contributes to scholarly conversations on:
- Intersectionality
- Feminist Activism in Times of War and Peace
- Indigeneity
- Trans & Queer Studies
- Feminist Ecology/Eco-Criticism/Eco-Poetics
- Feminist Critical Animal Studies
- New Materialisms
- Feminist Science & Technology Studies (STS)
- Feminist Critical Geography
- Disability Studies & Crip Theory
- (Im)mobilities
…and other topics of longstanding concern to feminist scholars that are complexly intersectional, interdisciplinary, and deeply theoretical. We are also encouraging new, challenging formats and styles of production that provoke, interrupt, question, and shift theorization and practice.
We assert that feminist theorizing is integral to analyses of transglobal productions of empire, colonialism, and coloniality and thus equally key to decolonial theorizing and imagining other ways of being. Bodies, power, representation, knowledge, voice, and pleasures are central in feminist thinking and raises questions about how we want to be in relation to each other. The editors of Frontiers welcome submissions of essays, poetry, short fiction, activist statements and manifestos, notes from the field, and artwork for journal covers that represent a significant cultural contribution to the field of Feminist, Women’s, and Gender Studies.
Please use the online editorial manager to begin the submission process. We are no longer accepting direct email submissions.
Any mailed correspondence should be addressed to:
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies
School for Cultural and Social Transformation, The University of Utah
383 South University St., Rm 3222
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
- Works must be original, not previously published in whole or in part, and not in any version under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Author bio and contact information, including the author(s) name, address, email address, and telephone number should be included in your editorial manager profile. Please do not submit a cover sheet. Any comments to the editors can be added under Author Comments in Editorial Manager.
- Do NOT include any personally identifying information in your filename, headers/footers, or within your manuscript, including your name/initials, affiliated organizations/programs/residencies, and awards/nominations.
- Submissions are judged by appropriate members of the Editorial Staff and outside readers, a process that may take up to six months or longer. If a work is accepted for publication, we reserve the right to edit, in consultation with the author, in accordance with our space limitations and editorial guidelines.
- The current editors are requesting a minimum of 5 suggested peer reviewers when submitting your manuscript. Editorial Manager will give authors the option to add the peer reviewers. You can also email them to Please provide your manuscript number if emailed.
- All permissions to use lengthy quotations or images that are not original with the author are the responsibility of the author. For information regarding permissions, see UNP Permissions Worksheet
- Contributors will receive a complementary copy of the issue in which their work appears.
- Copyright for published material belongs to Frontiers, Inc. Permission to republish material printed in Frontiers must be obtained from the press. Please visit the permission to reprint page on the University of Nebraska Press website for more information.
Articles and Literary Works
- Articles and literary works must be double-spaced (including endnotes).
- All manuscripts submitted must be in Microsoft Word
- When uploaded to Editorial Manager, please ensure that your bio and/or contact info are not within the manuscript.
- Please add author(s) bio and the name of author(s), title of manuscript, and contact information to Editorial Manager – not within your manuscript.
- The manuscript should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, with “humanities style” endnotes. See UNP documentation preparation guide
- Manuscripts, including endnotes, should not exceed 12,000 words. This includes title, abstract, keywords, and sources.
- An abstract must be included of no more than 250 words and 4 – 10 keywords.
- One set of visual materials is sufficient for submissions of illustrations. We have a limited amount of illustrations per issue. Illustrations should not be submitted as embedded digital images within the manuscript. For further information regarding the submission of images, see UNP image requirements for publication guide
- Works must be original, not previously published in whole or in part, and not in any version under consideration for publication elsewhere
- Images can be published in color or in black and white.
- Submission of artwork should include title, medium, and number.
- Images, whether original art or illustrations, must be submitted in one of the following ways:
- as TIFF files, scanned at least as 300 dpi (dots per inch) and at least 4,000 x 6,000 pixels (or 4 by 6 inches).
- High Resolution [Send in Zip File]. We will accept medium resolution, once accepted, we will need high resolution.
- as TIFF files, scanned at least as 300 dpi (dots per inch) and at least 4,000 x 6,000 pixels (or 4 by 6 inches).
- For more information, see the image requirements for publication provided by the publisher.
- Frontiers is not responsible for images submitted with manuscripts before acceptance for publication. Please do not send originals unless requested to do so.
- Include a brief artist’s statement, double-spaced, and accompanied by a title page. The author’s name should appear only on the title page of the statement.
- Submit via Editorial Manager.
Special Issues
Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies is committed to embracing emerging visions of a dynamic and unsettled “feminist frontiers.” As the journal’s new guiding voice, we seek to advance feminist investigations and expressions into the 21st century. Frontiers—as a term or topic of analysis—evokes differing memories, figurations, affects and emotions. Questions of “whose frontiers”, “which frontiers” and how is a “frontier” even formed, by who and where are debated and refused. While we participate in “frontiers” contested spaces, we simultaneously embrace the possibilities of thinking with and through frontiers as a way to foster and reinvigorate feminist and specifically women of color, queer and decolonial feminist theorizing, pedagogy and praxis.
From this stand, we encourage scholars, activist, community leaders to submit a proposal for a special issue. Any topic of interest can be discussed with the editors who can assist in guiding your proposal. If your topic fits Frontiers’ vision and its viable for a special issue, the editors will request a formal draft.
Please use the Special Issue Request form template below and submit to Editorial Manager under Special Issue Proposal Only
Frontiers Special Issue Request Form
Name(s) of guest editor(s):
Briefly describe the expertise/knowledge of the guest editor(s) on the topic of the proposed special issue:
Proposed title or theme for special issue:
Description of special issue (150-200 words):
Does this special issue originate from a conference, symposium or special academic event? If so, please describe:
Provide names of potential contributors to the special issue (if any have been identified):
Please provide approximate dates for completion of the following tasks (month and year):
1- Completion and dissemination of call for papers:
2- Deadline for contributing authors to submit their manuscripts:
3- Date range for revise-and-resubmit period (ex. January – July 2013):
4- Finalization of manuscripts to be sent to press:
Note from the editors: If your proposed special issue is of interest to Frontiers, we will request a meeting with the guest editor(s) over Skype, Google Hangout, or Facetime, to further discuss journal guidelines, working methods, and best practices. We will make a final decision about your proposal after this meeting. Please note that the current Frontiers editors do not permit guest editors to submit manuscripts to the special issue they are editing.
Authors using lengthy quotations or images that they themselves have not created must send copies of the necessary written permissions. This process can be complicated; to reproduce artwork, an author may need to ask permission of the museum that holds the piece, the actual owner, and the artist. The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, discusses copyright rules and provides a sample permission letter. In this letter authors must state the title of their article, an
- To determine whether you must obtain written permissions, please consult this permissions worksheet.
Examples of Documentation Formats for Frontiers
Please follow the notes-and-bibliography style described in the Chicago Manual of Style; see especially chapter 16 (“Documentation I: Basic Patterns”) and chapter 17 (“Documentation II: Specific Content”). Do not use in-text citation with a reference list.
The notes-and-bibliography style uses a superscript number to mark a citation in the text, and then enters the citation at the end of the paper as an endnote. In the endnote itself, the number is set on the line with a period after it, not as superscript. The first reference to a work contains the entire bibliographical information;; subsequent references to the same work use a short form.
Please remember, also, that a quoted or paraphrased passage requires a reference to a specific page, rather than inclusive page numbers for an entire article or chapter.
- For a few examples showing frequently used reference formats, please download the Frontiers Examples of Footnote Formats.
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, a detailed checklist will be provided to guide you through the formatting stage.